Writing new content for your site is critical when it comes to many components of your site. Google ranks your site partially based on keywords you present in your content as well as your “freshness score” and how often you post “fresh” content on your site.

Many companies want to write blogs, news articles, or newsletters each week to keep up on their website SEO. There is a problem. Everyone has a blog, news articles, or a newsletter. How do you keep up? How do you create interesting content that breaks through the competitor’s noise?

No one can tell you a magic key to capture your audience. Although, there are some key steps that you can take to make better content.

Tip 1: Write Relevant Content.

It is great to have lots of knowledge and want to get it out there to as many people as possible, but what about making content that people want to read? Make something that solves a problem for a certain audience that you target. If you are targeting small business owners, look for problems in that world and how to conquer them. It is almost better the bigger problem that you can solve because fewer people will be able to write about it. Also having a week long or even month long series about the problem and how to solve it will bring repeat visits to your site.

Tip 2: Be patient in development. You are creating a community.

Content creation has to be the most criticized job in the marketing world. Content is always scrutinized for return on investment. The poor writer sits in a meeting explaining that blog post is worth the cost.

Many people forget that blogs and new content are meant to keep a site fresh, keep SEO in mind, and to create a community around the brand. These things do not come after a month of new content creation. They come after really creating a brand identity, a community, and the appropriate outreach. So never forget to be patient.

Tip 3: Format for the reader.

You are no longer in high school/college writing pages and pages of academic material. Don’t get me wrong the technical writing skills are important, but nobody wants to sit down and read pages and pages of single space material. White space is important. Be as simplistic as possible, make sure to break up your material visually, and have rockstar organization that makes sense.

Tip 4: Illustration is key.

We are visual creatures. We are more likely to relate to material that can be shown in multiple, interactive ways. This is why images, infographics, and videos are so much more popular than just an article. If you are not going to illustration, you should rethink posting that content all together.

Tip 5: SEO check everything before you start.

At the end of the day you want your content to be seen. So make sure the rest of the site is up to date, SEO ready, and easy to navigate. Without this your content will not be seen by anyone.

Then check your own content. Where are your keywords? Where are they placed? What do you rank for? Make sure there is a plan in place as far as content and SEO optimization.

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